Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Thank God I think I have finally crossed over, in 2 matters, by His grace...

Firstly, with P. Had a major outburst after reading one of her replies to my emails - had appealed to her to cc me in her communication with staff for the sake of presenting one-united face to the staff and she replied she will try "only when it is necessary and relevant". I blew my top and ranted like one who lost her mind. My husband had to try hard to pacify and calm me down. Think it was a release for long pent up feelings. But after that one incident, things seemed to have changed. I think she realised what I meant by "unity". I think she has finally crossed over too. Praise God for His uncommon grace....

Secondly, with TCC. Think we are all getting the feeling of "settledness" in Trinity. Think we will finally drop our anchor here and "work out our destiny" in this church. God has graciously take up two of my complaints and answered them - a mentor for my son and a home visit from the pastoral staff. Now I think the last hurdle to cross is my husband - this is a Pentecostal church and they believe in speaking in tongues. My last "request" to God is to baptise him in the Spirit and give him that sign of "initial evidence". Last Sunday, during service, the message was about the "power of praying in the Spirit". Pastor Jeffrey did a simple and clear message followed by a call for those who want to be baptised in the Spirit to move forward. I believe one day my husband will move forward. I had a mental picture of my husband wading into a sea and I was beckoning him to come deeper with me into the water. Then next, four of us (us and our two boys) doing deep sea diving and oggling at the creatures in the underwater world.... I believe one day the Holy Spirit will do His work within him tp yearn for the "deeper" things of God. Yes, one day.... :)