Saturday, July 15, 2006


"All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him." - 2 Samuel 14:14

Pastor William Lee of NLCC gave a few sermons early this year on God, that He is ever-present and ever-willing to help His children. He shared later the verse above sometime recently, citing it as an evidence that God is always FOR US, never against us, even if we may wander away from His will, plans and purposes for us.

This makes me recall a near accident on 21/5/05, a Sunday morning when we were heading for church (Bethesda Cathedral at Chai Chee). A half-blind, polio-stricken man by the name of Jimmy was wheeling himself frantically along the road leading from Temasek JC to Bedok Interchange. The most shocking thing was he was on the wrong side of the road! And he was wheeling himself on the outermost lane and against the traffic!

When our car was negotiating a bend, Jimmy's exhausted and frantic face greeted us as our car narrowly missed crashing into him. "AH.....He's blind! He's blind!" I shrieked in horror to my husband. My husband applied emergency brake and Jimmy also swang himself to our left, narrowly missed being hit by a taxi coming from our left! In our horror, we watched as he continued wheeling desperately to the side as well. "Go help him! Go help him!" I urged my husband.

And to cut a long story short, we went to Jimmy's aid and put him and his wheel-chair into our car and drove him the church in Bedok South where he was heading. We asked him how he ended up on the wrong side of the road and he explained that he had participated in a marathon early that morning and wheeled himself from Kallang all the way to Bedok! He knew he was on the wrong side of the road, but he was too exhausted to do anything about it...I think his partial blindness was probably another reason...

Through this incident, I really appreciate now how our God is truely an EVER-PRESENT God and EVER-SO-WILLING to help His children! One of His dear children, the half-blind and polio-stricken Jimmy, was in dire situation. And He sent us along the way to help Him. God is truly for Jimmy. And GOD IS FOR US!