Thursday, February 23, 2006

Of Sheep and Lamb

John 21 never fails to inpsire me, the account of how Jesus restored Peter who denied Him 3 times. Each time I read it, it has a new meaning to me...

We all know why Jesus had to ask Peter 3 times if he loved Him - the simple answer is because Peter denied Him 3 times. But I am more interested in the command He gave each time Peter replied he loved Him:
  • feed My lamb
  • take care of My sheep
  • feed My sheep

What did Jesus mean? Well, "lamb" often refers to young Christians. Can be young in faith or young in age. "Sheep" often refers to more mature Christians like teens, youths, young adults, adults etc. What is the meaning of "feed my sheep" and "feed my lamb" then. Well, I think it means not in physical sense but spiritual - to impart, teach, disciple, bless, take care....

Feed My sheep, feed My lamb - a personal mandate from God...Blessings...

What is "grace"?

What is "grace"? Who is a picture of grace to you? Someone once mentioned his pastor is a "man of grace". What about you? What about me? Can we describe ourselves that way? Recently I learn to understand "grace" in a new way. Grace is the ability to:

yield and not struggle
complement and not compete
listen and not lecture
forgive and not bear grudge
believe and not judge
forbear and not reject
give thanks and not complain
face up the truth and not escape
keep cool and not erupt
compliment and not criticise

How much grace do we have? Not much for me I am afraid to confess. Is there no hope for us? Surely there must be. Afterall, we have "Christ in us, the hope of glory". Our Lord Jesus Christ has got to be the only man who ever walked the surface of this earth who can truly to be said to be the full embodiment of this virtue. Not only is He full of grace, He is also full of compassion, mercy, righteousness and truth.

Christ is the only supreme example worthy of our emulation. If you don't believe, read the gospels again. My spiritual mentor Sewlyn Hughes wrote this a few times - that the reason why there are 4 and not just 1 gospel is because they help give is a complete picture of Christ. If we are followers of Christ, we ought to know who we follow - how He lived, taught, talked and interacted with others. Just finished reading the gospel of John last week. Seemed to have received a fresh new revelation of Him. Especially impressed with the way He "crossed sword" with the Pharisees in the temple - so full of uprightness and truth yet never lost His cool (even when calling them children of the devil)! Can I be like that when I am quarreling with someone? I wonder...

May the God of All Grace...

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” – 1 Peter 5:10

Many of us learn through the hard way as we weather through hard knocks in life. We "suffer" when we fail to learn from our own mistakes and miss drawing on His grace. The verse above me really inspired me – He alone is the GOD of ALL GRACE. And if we learn to draw on His Grace daily, He will restore us, after we have suffered a while...

To draw on His grace, we need to come to the realisation we must seek Him. Many think that that's easy - we all run to God when we have problems don't we? People only forget about God when times are good.

But friends, let me tell you that not only in good times you can forget the Lord. During bad times, you can also refuse to go to Him. What's the point? You may ask. If He is God, why is He allowing this? Anger, disappointment, rejection can cause you to reject God too...

So how to praise God when you are down. To me, there are two antidotes - word and praise. My favourite is the book of Psalms, especially Psalm 71, 42, 84 etc. The psalmists were totally transparent with God how they felt, when they were in despair, hopeless situations and even in danger of death. Read them. Make Psalm 71 your own prayer. Read Psalm 84 and remind yourself God is still your sun and shield...

And ask God to put a song in your heart. The beautiful thing about the psalms is they have inspired many songs of praise. Sing these when they come to you...

My friend, I tell you, when you praise Him inspite of your problems, despite the weak and inadequate or even wretched person that you are, there is liberation! Deliverance sort of take place! Your problems don't disappear. But your weaknesses get transformed into fresh resolve and strength!

Do you feel like you are suffering at the moment? Whether it is your own making or the making of others, come before Him today. Resolve to seek Him and praise Him.

And the God of ALL grace, after you have suffered for a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you. Amen.