Monday, November 15, 2010

The Issue of Suffering

Sufferings truly abound in this world, like this poor boy who was set on fire by his mum (what an unthinkable and hedious thing to do to her own flesh and blood). Sufferings arise from natural disasters (think the spate of disasters that struck in 2010), injustice caused by political oppression, people trapped in cycles of poverty and some even dying due to poor sanitation, no medical aid, education bringing too slow a progress towards improvement...

Two thoughts can arise when we contemplate the issue of sufferings:
1) does God care and if He does why does He not do anything about it?
2) What can we do to help? The problem is systemic, Anything we do is like a drop in the ocean

Psalm 72: 12-14 seems to answer the first question. The words reveal God's heart:

"For He (the Messiah) shall deliver the needy when he cries
He will spare the poor and needy
And will save the souls of the needy
He will redeem their life from oppression and violence
And precious shall be their blood in His sight"

Our God sees the suffering of every poor, needy and oppressed. He hears every cry. His compassion for them drives Him to spare and save their souls.Our God looks beyond physical healing and deliverance. He saves to the utmost. And the blood of those who perish innocently cry out to Him. Thank God vengence is HIs and He will avenge.

On such a world-wide scale of suffering, it seems the little that we can give or do seem so insignificant so why bother? Esp if eventually God will save them all? But the mandate is clear - God chooses to use us as His instruments to bring His healing to the nations. The little that we do can bring a "touch of heaven" for the poor and destitute. Yes it maybe temporal, but it brings at least momentary relief...but we must remember God's perenial interest is not just healing of the body but the spirit.


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