Friday, May 30, 2008

A day worth remembering

Today is a day to commemorate. Finally resolved my mum's identity issue, after 40 over years of hiding for her and 40 yrs of fear and apprehension for me and for our whole family.

I can't help but draw the analysis of Exodus - how the Israelites were taken captive for 40 yrs under Pharoah and finall led out of Egypt by Moses and Aaron. Haha. Me = Moses, John = Aaron. Hehe...

I should feel very happy. But somehow I am not over the moon. But I am deeply thankful to the LORD, esp how He stirred in my heart in dec 2005 and gave me no peace and convicted me that this matter must not be dragged on anymore. And how He led us to pave way for mum in Batam and how the Holy Spirit prompted me to write a statement that is free of loop holes. How God touched the hearts of the officers at ICA and police with compassion and move even the AGC with mercy to serve my mum and dad just notices of warning instead of prosecution. It is amazing...the mercies of the Lord...

I told my son and I told Jim too that he must also find the right opportunity to share with his children. Just like the Israelites who retold the story of the parting of the Red Sea and the escape from Eygypt to their generations to come, I hope this will be a story that we will retell to our children and our children's children...


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