Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Violence of Divorce

With the encouragment of a friend and my sis, I started reading Stormie O Martian's book on "Power of a Praying Parent" and find it very good and started using it (though I had it for a long time).

2 days ago, I bought a new book from Stormie O Martian. It is called "Praying through the deeper issues in Marriages".

I learn a new thing. Not only does God hate divorce and separation. He equates them with violence!

"For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. " - Malachi 2:16

When a couple marries, the bible says "the two becomes one". When they divorce, what they are doing is they are trying to RIP who has become a part of them OFF!! That is violence.

May the love and mercy and grace of God melt the most stoned, cold hearts. May He bring healing and repentance and restoration....Lord Jesus, SAVE!!!!


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