Monday, May 21, 2007

Upper and Lower Springs

'She replied, '...give me also springs of water." So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs' - Joshua 15:19

Today I came across the passage in Joshua 15:16-19. Interesting meditations is provided by the late Sewlyn Hughes on this verse above.

Caleb promised his daughter Acsah in marriage to Othniel as a reward for capturing the city of Debir and gave her the land in Negev. But since the land was dry, she asked him for 'springs of water'. So overjoyed was Caleb with his daughter and her marriage to Othniel that he did more than just give her springs - he gave her the 'upper and lower springs'.

Jesus, our heavenly Caleb, does the same. He gives the Spirit not meagrely, sporadically or stintingly. He gives abundantly.

In addition, Sewlyn Hughes pressed in further that 'the upper and lower springs' suggest the work of the Spirit in reaching the unconscious as well as the mind. Some have the Spirit only in the conscious mind and have never invited Him into the unconscious, so that at times the conscious and unconscious are at cross-purposes. This produces the up-and-down type of living. Hmmm, sounds familiar...

He went on to write that 'I do not think we will ever clearly understand how the Spirit works in the unconscious, touching the deep things in our personality - hidden memories, traumas and so on. Yet I am convinced that He does. Only the Holy Spirit can unify and integrate the conscious and the unconscious. But He will do so only when we are aware of our need and make this integration a specific request'.

In closing, he wrote this prayer: "Gracious and loving Father, may my whole being be influenced by Your Spirit - the lower beings of my personality as well as the upper springs. I turn them both over to You now for Your harness and control. In Jesus' name. Amen."



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