Friday, May 04, 2007

To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain

Paul wrote the above in Philippians 1:21. One guy in my new church wrote a song out of this. Have you ever pondered what it means? I have...many times over...

"To die is gain". That's easy to identify with, especially when I am down. I simply ask, "Lord, why don't you just take me back home?" Escapism? Maybe. But really I feel there is nothing in this life that holds me back...except maybe for my unfinished duties, especially my children and parents, and the Great Commission of course...

So what about "To Live is Christ"? I think TCA college (where I am studying part-time) captures the meaning most succinctly in its college motto: "Learning the Life".

"To live is Christ" means we are to "learn the life of Jesus". Not a human effort kind of learning or imitating which will result inevitably in frustration, but a Spirit-enabled kind of learning...of course it helps we have the 4 gospels to give us insight into how our Lord thought, behaved, ministered and even the emotions he felt, such as betrayal and grief. Because we have a God who took on incarnated form to embrace our humanity, He can empathise with our humanity. But this does not give us excuse to indulge in our weakness because "God understands because He's been through..".

Rather, "life in the Spirit" or "Life in Christ" is about relying on His resurrected power to overcome our own human weaknesses. In 1 Cor 15:45, Paul wrote that Christ, the "last Adam" is "a life-giving spirit". Paul also wrote, "Christ in us, the hope of glory". His life-giving power in us, the Spirit, is what gives us the strength and grace to "live in Christ". That's what it means by "To live is Christ".

This grace and strength enables us to face the storms and trials of life with the same resolution that Christ had when He faced His imminent crucification. You see, "life in Christ" is about a "life of suffering". In fact, Paul wrote in Hebrews 2:10 that God made Christ who is "the author of their salvation perfect through suffering".

Just as Christ was perfected through suffering, likewise, you and I will be perfected one day, and suffering IS one of the channels God uses to perfect us...

Too pessimistic? Of course Christian life should not be a life of defeat and wallowing in self-pity. But the sooner we grasp that life is not a bed of roses, the better stead we have in facing the storms this life brings, whether on a worldwide scale or in a little teacup.

To end on a more positive note, perhaps it is apt to conclude with the words of comfort and encouragement our Saviour gave his disciples just before He was betrayed in John 16:33:
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


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