Monday, May 14, 2007

What is man?

I belly-ached about my "problem" with a partner and friend in my last blog. Thank God He really knows my struggles. He spoke to me through the sermon yesterday about "relationships".

Again I am reminded that the hallmark of a Christian's faith is love - loving relationship with God and with others. I had confessed to God I am really quite a flop at relationships but I remembered once He minister these words to me in my devotion journal "let God hold you in your relationships".

It's quite amazing actually sometimes when I think about it. God knows us so intimately and cares for us so deeply He even bothers about our petty relationships with others. They are important enough for Him to want to help us take steps to repair and restore these broken relationships...

Perhaps it is with such thoughts that the psalmist declares:

what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
- Psalm 8:4


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